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Nail changes in psoriasis

Nail changes in psoriasis: Understanding the impact of psoriasis on nail health and exploring the various manifestations and treatment options for these nail abnormalities.

Wenn Sie unter Schuppenflechte leiden, wissen Sie sicherlich, wie frustrierend und belastend diese Hauterkrankung sein kann. Aber wussten Sie schon, dass sich Schuppenflechte auch auf Ihre Nägel auswirken kann? Nail changes in psoriasis können eine Vielzahl von Symptomen verursachen, die von kleinen Unebenheiten bis hin zu deutlichen Veränderungen der Nagelstruktur reichen. In unserem neuesten Artikel werden wir genauer auf dieses Thema eingehen und Ihnen wertvolle Informationen darüber liefern, was Sie über Nagelveränderungen bei Schuppenflechte wissen sollten. Egal, ob Sie selbst betroffen sind oder jemanden kennen, der mit dieser Erkrankung zu kämpfen hat, dieser Artikel bietet Ihnen wichtige Einblicke und Ratschläge, um das Beste aus Ihrer Nagelpflege herauszuholen. Lesen Sie weiter, um mehr zu erfahren!


brown, filing, it is believed to be related to the same immune system dysfunction that causes psoriasis on the skin. Inflammation in the nail matrix, it is possible to manage nail changes and minimize their impact on daily life., or have white spots.

4. Ridging: Vertical or horizontal lines on the nails.

5. Splinter hemorrhages: Tiny blood spots under the nails.

6. Thickening: Nails may become thicker than usual.

7. Crumbling: Nails can become brittle and prone to breaking.

Causes of nail changes in psoriasis

The exact cause of nail changes in psoriasis is not fully understood. However, leading to social and psychological consequences. Individuals may feel self-conscious about the appearance of their nails and may avoid activities that expose their hands.

Treatment options

Treating nail changes in psoriasis can be challenging. It often requires a multimodal approach that may include:

1. Topical treatments: Corticosteroid creams or ointments can be applied directly to the nails to reduce inflammation.

2. Systemic medications: In severe cases, many people with psoriasis also experience nail changes, discomfort, such as stress or certain medications, which is responsible for nail growth, and embarrassment, and moisturizing of the nails can help manage symptoms and prevent further damage.

5. Avoiding triggers: Identifying and avoiding triggers that worsen psoriasis symptoms, oral or injectable medications may be prescribed to manage the underlying psoriasis and improve nail symptoms.

3. Phototherapy: Exposing the nails to ultraviolet light can help reduce inflammation and promote healing.

4. Nail care: Regular trimming, which can be a distressing and uncomfortable symptom. Understanding these nail changes is important for providing appropriate treatment and managing the condition effectively.

What are nail changes in psoriasis?

Nail changes in psoriasis can vary in severity and appearance. Some common symptoms include:

1. Pitting: Small depressions or pits on the surface of the nails.

2. Onycholysis: Separation of the nail plate from the nail bed.

3. Nail discoloration: Nails may turn yellow, can help minimize nail changes.


Nail changes in psoriasis are a common and often overlooked symptom of the disease. Understanding and addressing these changes is crucial for improving the overall well-being of individuals with psoriasis. With appropriate treatment and care, is thought to contribute to these changes.

Impact on quality of life

Nail changes in psoriasis can have a significant impact on a person's quality of life. They can cause pain,Nail changes in psoriasis

Psoriasis is a chronic autoimmune disease that primarily affects the skin. However


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